Offrir une stabilité et un avenir meilleur aux enfants vulnérables
La fondation CHC a pour mission d’aider les enfants de la rue en leur offrant un accès à l’éducation, un logement sûr, et des soins adaptés pour leur permettre de construire un avenir digne et prometteur.
Protéger les droits fondamentaux des enfants sans soutien familial
Notre fondation s’engage à garantir que ces enfants reçoivent les ressources essentielles telles que la nourriture, la santé, et un environnement où ils se sentent valorisés et respectés.
Créer un espace d’amour et d’accompagnement
CHC aspire à être un refuge pour les enfants de la rue, en leur offrant non seulement une aide matérielle, mais aussi un soutien émotionnel, moral et social pour leur permettre de retrouver confiance en eux et un sentiment d’appartenance.
Provide stability and a better future for vulnerable children
Center For Happy Children's mission is to help street children by offering them access to education, safe housing, and appropriate care to enable them to build a dignified and promising future.
Protect the fundamental rights of children without family support
Our foundation is committed to ensuring that these children receive essential resources such as food, health, and an environment where they feel valued and respected.
Create a space of love and support
CHC aspires to be a refuge for street children, offering them not only material assistance, but also emotional, moral and social support to enable them to regain self-confidence and a sense of belonging.
Education is an important catalyst to promote positive social and economic change in developing countries. Education serves as a dynamic tool to empower communities to shape their future. We believe building solid partnerships with our scholars and their parents, community leaders, and key stakeholders is essential to improving the Haitian educational landscape. Our team members have met with the teachers and principals of our scholars; had in depth discussions with education professionals in Haiti; and visited our scholars in their classrooms and in their homes, to better ascertain the educational needs of our scholars and to determine the most effective way CHC can help young children and adults in Haiti reach their full potential.
All children in the world deserve the same quality treatment of human life. This will help world leaders reduce and eliminate all disparity and exclusion so as not to let people starve. These are people who are struck by the great plagues of famine, alienable condemnation to a life of infernal misery, and other forms of misery. These are the children left behind and abandoned who come back against their society and resorted to juvenile delinquency and banditry. If it is not their choice, there would have to be people who would choose to change their lives for a better and reach a promising life. This is what the leaders and partner members of our organization in Haiti are aiming for.
Vision Statement
We welcome, supervise, integrate, and empower destitute children physically and spiritually to make them become extraordinary individuals today and the future. We are guided by the Chinese proverb, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best moment is now,” for anticipating and shaping the future of orphaned children positively.
Mission Statement
Rehoboth Welcoming Center is working to save children condemned in poverty, malnutrition, hunger, illiteracy, and the complete absence of education. We strive to bring them out of an inhuman condition physically, morally, and spiritually with the Will of God by helping them develop a positive lifestyle